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Behaviour change programme

Change 4U

Change 4U provides three tiers of support available to men and women to change behaviour and develop healthier relationship skills, knowledge and understanding.

Tier 1: The Healthy Foundations Programme

The Healthy Foundations Programme (HFP) is an 8 week group programme provided both online and via face to face, designed to help you to have healthier and stronger relationships. The HFP aims to provide you with the knowledge, skills, and insights to improve the quality of both current and future relationships, creating the building blocks for these to thrive a safe and confidential environment.



What is covered over the 8 weeks?

Over the 8 weeks you will learn about:

  • Expectations within a relationship
  • What consent looks like
  • Identifying coercion
  • Power and control in relationships
  • Impact of stereotyping
  • Social media and healthy relationships
  • Pornography and its impact
  • Importance of effective contraception
  • Types of abuse and noticing the signs of abuse
  • Linking in with additional support services
  • Parenting
  • Self-care

What else is provided?

Individuals will be given a workbook they can use which will have additional resources to engage with and help in reflecting on the learnings. They will also receive a certificate of completion at the end of the programme. We may also cover additional material within the 8 weeks that is relevant to the needs of the group.


Tier 2: The Change 4U Behaviour Change Programme

The Change 4U Programme offers bespoke support across Cornwall to those who are displaying abusive behaviours within their intimate relationships.

Provided in a variety of formats including phone, video and face to face, and offering one-to-one and group options, Change 4U will give you the tools and techniques to help cease abusive behaviour, whilst exploring a variety of topics that are relevant to both you and your family to explore.

The programme also provides an opportunity for you to explore other aspects of your life during our assessment process which you may too wish to address.

Themes of the programme that can be explored include:

  • Intimidation and Coercion vs Respect and Negotiation
  • Emotional Abuse vs Intimacy and Vulnerability
  • Gender and Privilege vs Partnership and Participation
  • Sexual Abuse vs Sexual Respect
  • Abusive Parenting vs Responsible Parenting


Tier 3: Change 4U Integrated Offender Management (IOM) Behaviour Change Programme

The Change 4U Integrated Offender Management Service has a team dedicated to working with individuals that have complex and high risk needs relating to abusive behaviour, whilst also offering support to clients who are currently engaged within probation or the criminal justice system.

Our team will not only work with clients on behaviour change, but also support clients in other aspects of their lives which may contribute towards negative behaviours such as accommodation, financial difficulties, employment, and access to provisions to ease the impact of low income and living conditions.


Other services provided include:

Partner Support Service

The Partner Support Service offers support to partners past and present of clients wishing to address their abusive behaviour. Partners will explore with their worker what needs to change in the relationship, whilst being offered support to grow and gain confidence within themselves, and for future relationships.


Change 4U Group Workshops

The Change 4U Group Workshops are where individuals can come together within a group setting to increase their learning, knowledge and understanding gained from the one to one sessions. Individuals can pick and choose which additional workshops they would like to attend, receiving a certificate upon completion.






Training Opportunities

Courageous Conversations Training

Delivered via Zoom and aimed at professionals and practitioners working with or potentially working with people engaging in/affected by Domestic Abuse – This course will equip/enable professionals working in Cornwall to identify, respond and have meaningful conversations with people who are affected by Domestic Abuse.

Covered within this half day course:

• How to have conversations with clients about their relationships

• How to identify and respond to issues around conflict in relationships

• How to identify abusive behaviour

• What language should be used

• How to ask an individual about their potential abusive behaviour

• How to ask an individual about abuse they may be experiencing

• How to ask questions confidently when you don’t feel confident

• Identifying motivation to change as a resource to draw upon for behaviour

• Brief overview of domestic abuse including physical, emotional, psychological, sexual, and financial

• Referring clients into behaviour change programmes

To book onto training available please visit:


Finding support outside of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly

Safer Futures is a Domestic Abuse service for anyone in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, if you live outside of this area and need support, you can find your nearest service by visiting: Victims Support to find your nearest service Domestic abuse – Victim Support 08 08 16 89 111 or visit Domestic abuse: […]

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Police and the CPS

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Child Contact

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Legal Aid

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Power and Control Wheel

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Bibliotherapy (Self Help)

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Specialist Domestic Violence Court

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