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Recovery Pathway and Recovery Programmes

Recovery Pathway and Recovery Programmes

Safer Futures accept referrals from professionals and self-referrers for adults aged 16+ who have experienced sexual violence and/or completed a SARC/ISVA or Criminal Justice Intervention. We also provide pre-trial therapy for people who are currently within the Criminal Justice Process.

Safer Futures also accepts referrals from professionals and self-referrers for children aged 5-16 years if they have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence. Safer Futures will assess all referrals to determine how best to meet the needs of the individual.

Safer Futures are working with a number of providers to offer a range of recovery options which are provided either one-to-one or in a group setting. Options include therapeutic support provided by a team of experienced and qualified therapists who are BACP registered and/or accredited. We provide support throughout Cornwall within settings such as community hospitals and schools.

Adults who are aged 16+ and have experienced domestic abuse can refer to Safer Futures and they will then be referred on to our partner organisation WAVES who will assess their suitability for counselling.

Safer Futures Recovery Pathway Programme

Before any recovery offer begins, every client or their parent is asked to take part in a telephone assessment. Following assessment, we may identify that a client might not be quite ready for therapy or that therapy is not suitable for the client. In this instance, we may signpost a client to another service or broker their access to a more suitable service. We provide support in geographical locations throughout Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.


The SUsie Programme

Domestic Abuse And Sexual Violence Adult Recovery Programme

What we offer:

The SUsie Programme (The Susie Project) provides trauma informed psycho-educational support to men and women who are recovering from domestic abuse. This support programme is tailored towards enabling clients to recover and positively move forward with their lives. The strengths based programme focuses on long-term wellbeing and is designed to address the impact of abuse and enable victims to develop future protective behaviours.

Types of support:

One-to-one assessments – these are carried out by  SUsie workers and are designed to improve self-confidence, raise aspirations, and assist clients to identify individual goals, barriers to achievement, and any additional support required and progression routes.

Support groups – offered both in various face-to-face locations across the county or online, these provide a safe, relaxed environment for people to meet weekly to discuss their experiences and concerns, gain support and friendship and re-build their confidence and self-esteem. The group meetings are confidential. Every quarter guest speakers from external agencies come in to offer advice and information about various topics and services. These support groups help people to recover from the trauma they have experienced and prepare them for joining a Recovery Toolkit Programme.

The Recovery Toolkit Programme: 18 years + uses the Rock Pool Recovery Toolkit to explore various domestic abuse and sexual violence related issues over 12 weeks, including:

  • What is Abuse?
  • Self esteem
  • Effect of abuse on children
  • Anger and conflict
  • Boundaries and trust
  • Setting goals
  • Healthy relationships

The programme looks at automatic negative thinking patterns and balances this with positive affirmation techniques, e.g. how we think affects how we ultimately behave.  The Recovery Toolkit is about restoring belief and confidence in the individual and their abilities.

Who is eligible:

All persons aged 18 and over, who have experienced domestic abuse and/or sexual violence* at any time in their life, and who are no longer experiencing abuse or living with their abuser.

*Some exceptions may apply

The Reconnect Domestic Abuse Recovery Programme

What we offer

The Reconnect Programme is a needs-led support programme tailored towards children and young people (CYP) aged 8-18 years who have experienced/witnessed Domestic abuse.   The programme focuses on the long-term recovery and resilience of children and young people affected by domestic abuse.

A maximum of four children and young people take part in any one course.

Types of support:

  • One-to-one assessments – to improve self-confidence, raise aspirations, and assist children and young people to identify individual goals, barriers to achievement, additional support required and progression routes.
  • Rock Pool Recovery toolkit – the course uses a recovery toolkit format which includes the following components:
  1. How abuse affects our thinking
  2. Self esteem
  3. Who’s my family?
  4. Talking positive
  5. Ways to handle difficult feelings
  6. Healthy relationships and trust

Who is eligible

  • Children and young people aged 8-15 years of age who are not receiving therapy for domestic abuse issues and who have experienced or witnessed domestic abuse.
  • Children and young people who live with a non-abusive parent/carer

The Reconnect Respect Programme

What we offer

The Reconnect Respect Programme is a programme providing behaviour change for children aged 8 to 16 years of age whom are displaying abusive behaviours or violence, whilst providing support to their parents or carers, helping to improve family relationships.

The programme avoids blame and works together with both the parents/carers and the young person seeing them all as part of the solution. The programme is designed to enable families to identify negative behaviour patterns and work towards positive outcomes.

Practitioners provide support, insight and simple solutions to help to improve family relationships via weekly structured sessions and takes about 3 months to complete, longer where there are barriers to engagement.

Sessions are varied and use a variety of tools and techniques. Some sessions are with the whole family, some with the parent and some with the young person. The programme reaches its full potential if both the young person and parent(s)/Carer(s) are willing to engage.

Operation Emotion Specialist Group Work & Education Recovery Programme

Operation Emotion is a Plymouth based charity that provides services for adult male survivors of sexual abuse, linking with specialist organisations where appropriate.   We do not work with perpetrators of sexual abuse.

We never ask what is wrong with someone but instead what happened to them. We help men to come to terms with their own experiences and play an active role in helping other men who have been similarly affected by sexual abuse. We also work with other agencies to promote best practice leading to an improvement in services.

Types of support

As a trauma led service we specialise in group work offering a range of self help initiatives and educational programmes that enable men to engage in a process of recovery.

We operate weekly support groups that are a safe place for you to speak freely about what is bothering you without fear of being judged.   These groups are friendly and supportive and also engage in wider social activities to help combat isolation.

We operate an educational programme over ten weeks, or through flexible learning blocks, that focuses on helping men to come to terms with their past sexual abuse so that it no longer dominates their lives. We focus on four main areas of men’s lives that often cause the most problems. They are linked to four traumagenic factors of Isolation, Powerlessness, Trust and Betrayal and problems with Identity.

Who is eligible

Males aged 18 or over who have been sexually abused.

CLEAR – Emotional Trauma & Therapy Specialists*

Clear provide a broad range of therapy, tailored to the needs of each child, delivered by trained, qualified and experienced therapists all of whom are registered with a Governing Body such as the BACP.

Our therapeutic service for children and young people is accredited by the BACP.

We support children and young people who have experienced abuse directly or by being linked to an abusive relationship. Abuse may be physical, sexual or emotional.

Therapy makes a difference for children and young people. We see it every day, but we don’t take it for granted; we clinically evaluate our work against a set of nationally recognised Routine Outcome Measures and benchmark against other national services. Our work makes a statistically significant positive impact on outcomes for children and young people across a range of measures including emotional literacy, mental health, and positive, safe relationships.

Types of Support

Our therapists work in a variety of ways, tailored to meet the needs of our clients.

These include:

  • Art therapy
  • Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy (Attachment Therapy)
  • Dance Movement Therapy
  • Drama therapy
  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Recovery (EMDR)
  • Music therapy
  • Person centred therapy
  • Play therapy
  • Integrative therapy
  • Therapeutic Life Story Work
  • Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Who is eligible

Children and young people up to the age of 18 years.

* The majority of therapy provided by CLEAR is funded through direct purchasing from schools and the Local Authority Social Care teams. This service is not a replacement for these arrangements, instead they are in addition to. Therefore, referrals will not be accepted from schools or the Local Authority Social Care teams.

Safer Futures Therapeutic Support

Safer Futures accept therapy referrals from professionals and self-referrers for adults aged 16+ who have experienced sexual violence and/or recently completed a SARC/ISVA or Criminal Justice Intervention. We also provide pre-trial therapy for people who are currently within the Criminal Justice Process.

Safer Futures also accepts referrals from professionals and self-referrers for children aged 5-17 years if they have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence. Safer Futures will assess all referrals to determine if the therapy service is appropriate for the individual.

Types of support

Therapy is provided by a team of experienced and qualified therapists who are BACP registered and/or accredited. This team provides a wide range of therapeutic interventions. Therapy can be provided either one-to-one or in a group setting. We provide therapy sessions throughout Cornwall within settings such as community hospitals and schools.

Who is eligible

Children and young people aged 5-17 years who have experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence. Persons aged 16+ years who have experienced sexual violence.

Waves Domestic Violence & Abuse Counselling Service

Waves is a confidential counselling and outreach service provided by specialist trained counsellors. If you have experienced any form of domestic violence /abuse or family violence, this service may be for you.

By providing therapy and individual support for people, this project aims to enable people to make positive changes in their lives.

Types of support

WAVES counselling and support services includes one to one counselling, access to support groups and workshops.

Who is eligible

The WAVES service is available to anyone over 16yrs of age, regardless of their gender, ability to pay, rural isolation, disability, sexual orientation, age, cultural or social background or previous psychiatric history.

Funded by:

In partnership with:

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